RTITB Accreditation

We are proud to be an RTITB accredited lift truck training company, but what does this mean for you when choosing which company to train with?

RTITB are the UK’s leading accrediting body for forklift and plant operator training and the gold standard of training in our industry, and we only use RTITB accredited instructors and examiners for all our lift truck courses.
We know that the best lift truck instructors want to deliver high standards of training. They want to ensure their training candidates are engaged with their courses, and to make sure that the lift truck operators they train can ultimately work safely and efficiently.
By using only RTITB accredited trainers, we can guarantee that all our courses meet these high standards, because they hold a sought-after, professional qualification.

We have access to the RTITB‘s range of high-quality materials. We avoid ‘death by PowerPoint’, as no one enjoys long slide presentations, and instead use expertly designed course materials which are engaging for learners.
We include different training delivery methods, such as group contributions, group participation and demonstrations, which help make the training more interactive.
We also have high quality question papers and mock theory papers, which enable good preparation and revision for our delegates, and all our materials are regularly updated, to ensure legal compliance.
The result is better engagement, leading to more knowledgeable forklift operators.
Using an RTITB Accredited centre helps businesses ensure their training complies with guidance by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
But beyond that, we aim to improve operator compliance, which reduces accidents and helps keep costs under control. By teaching good practise, we help to prevent bad habits and shortcuts that may otherwise creep in over time, which may result in accidents.
We also provide peace of mind that candidates’ training will be backed up by thorough training records, via NORS – the National Operator Registration Scheme.

How do we achieve the RTITB standard?
We are audited every 12 months, so you can be confident that these high standards are constantly being met and maintained. Accreditation is only granted when the criteria are met in the following areas:
- Administration (course bookings, resources, etc)
- Instructors (management, qualifications etc)
- General (policies, insurance etc)
- Data protection requirements
- Facilities and training resources
We are proud to have achieved our RTITB Accreditation every year since we started.