Forklift Taster Sessions

FREE Taster Sessions

Open to all

We understand that training can be difficult for some people.

Perhaps you’ve not been in a classroom for a long time, perhaps you’re uncertain about the trucks themselves or perhaps you’d just like some more information.

Our FREE sessions offer an opportunity for people to come to our training centre, meet our trainer, and discuss anything about your course before you commit to it. If you’re feeling confident on the day, you even try a supervised manoeuvre!

These sessions are typically run at 4pm, last no more than an hour, and will give you the chance to make an informed decision before making a commitment.

Refreshments are also provided, and we keep the sessions relaxed and informal.

If you’re interested in attending, please let us know and we’ll accommodate you as soon as possible.

To book a space, contact us below:

Contact Us

Call: +44 (0)1793 975 353

Please use the form below to request a FREE Taster session

Forklift Taster Session booking form

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