Celebrating our 6-year anniversary!

Celebrating our 6-year anniversary!

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Celebrating Our 6-year Anniversary!

Six years ago, on 12th March 2018, we proudly completed our very first training courses, a Counterbalance and Reach truck refresher for one person.

Since then, we’ve gone on to help over 700 people achieve another 1000+ certificates in a huge variety of courses, across the regulated training spectrum!

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We’ve helped 105 separate businesses and charities ensure they are meeting their legal obligations and we’ve helped 254 private individuals gain new certificates and keep their own certification and qualifications up to date.

But more than that, we hope we’ve made a real difference along the way.  By working closely with some charities and agencies, we’ve been able to help people who have found themselves in a tough spot and just need a little help to lift them back up.  We believe that everyone has the right to employment, and if you are willing to learn, then we are willing to help you do that. Through our partnerships, we’ve helped lots of people turn their lives around, and we’ve helped provide them with dignity, opportunity and set them on the first step towards a rewarding career.

It’s been an absolute pleasure and a privilege working alongside the people we’ve worked with over the last six years, and we hope that if you’ve attended a course with us, we’ve been able to make your working life just that little bit more enjoyable, or we’ve played our part in giving you a helping hand just when you needed it.

If you’d like to see what some of our customers think, then please click here

We are really looking forward to the next six years – hopefully they will bring us more opportunities to help even more people achieve their training goals.


Contact us on 01793 975353 or rachel.gearon@keyperformancetraining.co.uk for more information about how we can help or to book your course today.


Need more information?

For more information please do get in touch – via our contacts page, email us or just give us a call on 01793 975353

Upcoming Open Course Dates

Upcoming Open Course Dates

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Upcoming Open Course Dates

We have now released our open course dates for the first few months of 2024, and we’re delighted to share these with you.

These are ideal if you only have a small number of people who need training, or if you’re booking for just yourself.

These will be running in our training centre in Swindon.

Need something different?

If you need a different course on a different day, then we can come to you when you need us.

We can deliver tailored courses to your specific needs at your site.  And there are big discounts available for multiple bookings.  The more people on the course, the less it costs you per person.

To see the full range of courses we can offer, please see our website – https://keyperformancetraining.co.uk/courses/

Contact us on 01793 975353 or rachel.gearon@keyperformancetraining.co.uk for more information about how we can help or to book your course today.


Need more information?

For more information please do get in touch – via our contacts page, email us or just give us a call on 01793 975353

LPG Fuel Safety Alert

LPG Fuel Safety Alert

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LPG Fuel Safety Alert

If you have LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas) powered forklift trucks in your operations, then you need to be aware that there is a currently ongoing safety concern with the fuel in the UK.

The HSE are currently investigating the problems, which seem to occur when starting the trucks and may be linked to contaminated fuel entering the UK.

The UK Material Handling Association has recently updated its Safety Alert addressing these concerns.  For more information about the problem please visit https://ukmha.org.uk/ukmha-releases-lpg-safety-alert/

Please note this is an ongoing situation and therefore it continues to pose a risk to all LPG fueled trucks, irrespective of manufacturer.   If you have any problems starting an LPG truck, then download the safety advice brochure for the best course of action, for your operators and engineers.

We will keep you updated on this issue as more updates become available.

Contact us on 01793 975353 or rachel.gearon@keyperformancetraining.co.uk for more information about how we can help or to book your course today.


Need more information?

For more information please do get in touch – via our contacts page, email us or just give us a call on 01793 975353

Company Fined After Worker Hit By Forklift

Company Fined After Worker Hit By Forklift

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Company fined after worker hit by forklift

We talk about the importance of having properly trained staff operating forklifts all the time, but the HSE have released shocking video of the moment a worker was hit by a forklift, which brings into sharp focus how important this really is.

Self-employed delivery driver Andrew “John” Robinson suffered multiple leg fractures and a dislocated ankle as he was struck by the vehicle while delivering goods at T. Print Limited’s Bristol Avenue site in Blackpool on 25 March 2022.

Warning: Some viewers may find the following video disturbing. Credit: Health and Safety Executive (HSE) 

The 53-year-old, from Blackburn, had to be airlifted from the scene and spent a month in hospital because of his injuries. He has required multiple follow-up operations and, over a year later, has still not recovered sufficiently to be able to work.

Mr. Robinson says the incident and recovery has ‘taken a toll on his mental health.’

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) found T. Print Limited had failed to ensure that there were adequate measures in place to ensure the safe segregation of delivery drivers from the unloading and loading activities, as Mr. Robinson was not instructed to stand or wait in a safe area during the unloading of his vehicle. The dangers should have been identified by a suitable and sufficient assessment of the risks.

  1. Print Limited, of Bristol Avenue, Bispham, Blackpool, Lancashire, pleaded guilty to breaching Section 3(1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. The company was fined £40,000 and ordered to pay £4,696.95 in costs at Liverpool Magistrates’ Court on 20 July 2023.

HSE Inspector Matthew Shepherd said: “The company had failed to implement a safe system of work for its loading and unloading activities thereby exposing delivery drivers, such as Mr. Robinson, to the risk of being struck by the forklift truck conducting the unloading operation. Mr. Robinson sustained serious injuries which have had a significant impact on his life.

“All work settings that use forklift trucks to load or unload goods, need to consider the risks arising from their use and implement adequate segregation controls to ensure the safety of pedestrians, such as delivery drivers, during these activities.”

If you want to avoid something happening at your site, one of the best ways to reduce this risk is to have properly trained staff, so check out our courses and see if we can help you achieve this – https://keyperformancetraining.co.uk/forklift-courses/


Contact us on 01793 975353 or rachel.gearon@keyperformancetraining.co.uk for more information about how we can help or to book your course today.


Need more information?

For more information please do get in touch – via our contacts page, email us or just give us a call on 01793 975353

Successful Participants

Successful Participants

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Successful participants

It’s been a very busy few months here at Key Performance Training.  We’ve helped a large number of participants successfully complete their training with us, and so we’d like to share with you some of their happy faces.

These photos are taken just after they have been given the great news that they have passed their courses, so we hope they show the genuine delight after their fantastic achievements (or maybe that’s just relief at it being over!).

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We’ve helped many people into work following their courses, by putting them in touch with recruitment agencies actively looking for candidates to fill their vacancies.

If you’re looking to get into work, or looking for better paid work, then please check out our courses – https://keyperformancetraining.co.uk/forklift-courses/ – perhaps we can help bring a smile to your face next!

Contact us on 01793 975353 or rachel.gearon@keyperformancetraining.co.uk for more information about how we can help or to book your course today.


Need more information?

For more information please do get in touch – via our contacts page, email us or just give us a call on 01793 975353

Latest news from the HSE

Latest news from the HSE

News from the HSE

The HSE has fined a company in Birmingham £600,000 after a worker’s leg crushed by a forklift truck.

The man was working for AkzoNobel Packaging Coatings Limited when the incident occurred at the firm’s Birmingham site on Bordesley Green Road on 8 May 2018.


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He had been walking across a pedestrian crossing at the site when a forklift truck, being driven by another worker, collided with him, crushing his leg and ankle. The driver did not slow down while approaching the pedestrian crossing and his vision was restricted as the forklift truck was carrying multiple intermediate bulk containers (IBCs).

The injured worker required surgery and skin grafts following the incident.

A Health and Safety Executive (HSE) investigation into the incident found AkzoNobel Packaging Coatings Limited failed to provide an adequate risk assessment nor a safe system of work. There was also a lack of appropriate supervision. This led to the adoption and development of an unsafe custom and practice on site.

AkzoNobel Packaging Coatings Limited, of Wexham Road, Slough, Berkshire, pleaded guilty to breaching Section 2 (1) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974. The company was fined £600,000 and ordered to pay costs of £3,188.60 at Birmingham Magistrates’ Court on 3 April 2023.

HSE inspector Marie Wheeler said: “This incident could so easily have been avoided by the employer adequately assessing the risks and ensuring a suitable workplace transport system was implemented with correct management and supervision in place.

“Companies should be aware that HSE will not hesitate to take appropriate enforcement action against those that fall below the required standards.”

If you are operating a forklift truck, you need to be aware of the dangers and be adequately trained on how to operate them safely.  This includes observing your environment, including pedestrians.

Supervisors and managers also need to be aware of the dangers involved their operation and put adequate measures in place to protect their staff and visitors.

We offer a range of RTITB forklift operator training, as well as an online forklift manager course (Managing & Supervising Materials Handling Equipment Operations), so we can help you remain compliant with the law, and help you ensure your staff are protected from unnecessary and avoidable risks.

For more information about our forklift courses, please click here

Contact us on 01793 975353 or david.gearon@keyperformancetraining.co.uk for more information about how we can help.

Need more information?

For more information please do get in touch – via our contacts page, email us or just give us a call on 01793 975353


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