World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day

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world mental health day

Did you know that it’s World Mental Health Day on Tuesday 10th October?  This day is about raising awareness and funds to drive positive change for everyone’s mental health.

The theme for 2023, set by the World Federation of Mental Health (WFMH), is ‘Mental health is a universal human right’. 

Mental health as a universal right to all citizens of the world is consistent with the 1948 founding principles of WFMH. The global campaign aims to place mental health in a human rights framework to re-cast the aspiration for sound mental health as a fundamental human right.

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It aims to engage individuals, communities, institutions, and stakeholders worldwide, with the objective of empowering grassroot advocacy for the cause of mental health and its intersection with human rights. While featuring theme-based global events and embracing diverse creative expressions through digital means, the campaign intends to promote awareness and put-forth the significance of mental health.

Join us in this journey as we unite to raise awareness about the importance of mental health as an indispensable universal human right, with the vision of fostering a world that values and nurtures the well-being of all.

There are lots of ways you can get involved in World Mental Health Day this year.  We’ve decided to support the UK Mental Health Foundation with their fundraising efforts and will donate Mental Health First Aider pin badges to everyone who attends our next Mental Health First Aid Course.  We’re also going to donate 10% of that course’s bookings to the UK Mental Health Foundation.

To view this course, or to book a place, please visit


Contact us on 01793 975353 or for more information about how we can help or to book your course today.


Need more information?

For more information please do get in touch – via our contacts page, email us or just give us a call on 01793 975353

Top Ten Tips to Improve Reach Truck Safety

Top Ten Tips to Improve Reach Truck Safety

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Accidents involving materials handling equipment (MHE) are largely avoidable, yet still far too widespread in supply chain operations. With reach trucks one of the most common types of lifting equipment in use, here are ten of the simplest ways to help improve safety for Reach Truck Operators, and those around them:

  1. Never operate a truck you’re not qualified to – Operators should never be asked to operate a reach truck on which they have not been trained and authorised. This includes using a reach truck category that they are not specifically qualified for. Safe operation guidelines will vary for different types of reach trucks, so it cannot be assumed that competence on one type will ensure safety when using another.

For details on our accredited reach truck courses, please click here –

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  1. Use the correct truck for the application – One reason that there are so many distinct types of material handling equipment available is that some machines are better suited to certain tasks than others. Employers and operators should ensure that where a reach truck is being used, that it is the correct type for the environment and situation where it is working.
  2. Be ‘fit’ to operate the truck safely – It should be obvious that operators should never use a reach truck if they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. However, this also includes strong medicines that may cause drowsiness. Operators that are unwell or overtired should avoid operating this type of equipment to ensure safety.
  3. Prioritise awareness – Awareness of the working environment is always the first line of defence against incidents. Operators should be trained to always pay close attention to what is going on around them. Phones or handheld devices should not be operated when an operator is in control of a reach truck. And operators that need to wear glasses should always remember to do so when operating the equipment.
  4. Know the signs – Operations differ in terms of traffic flows so operators should not only be aware of the site-specific rules, but should also maintain an awareness of safety signs, traffic lights, signals, and speed limits. Where there are none, operators should make use of hand signals, safety lights, audible warning devices and verbal communication to make their intentions clear to those around them to support safety.
  5. Remember – the forks are sacred! – The forks of a reach truck are only there to do the tasks they have been specifically designed for. It is extremely dangerous to let passengers ride on the reach truck or the forks. Operators should never lift anyone on the forks, on any attachment, or on the pallet, or allow anyone to mount these. Likewise, no-one should ever stand or walk under raised fork arms, even if the truck is unladen.
  6. Be aware of pedestrians – Pedestrians are highly vulnerable in workplace transport operations and are too often involved in incidents involving materials handling equipment. So, if there may be pedestrians in the area, reach truck operators must always drive slowly, carefully, and responsibly, even if they cannot see other people in the vicinity. Operators should keep an eye out for pedestrians appearing from blind spots, such as doorways or parked vehicles, and be prepared to make an emergency stop if needed.
  7. Be transparent about incidents – It is important for businesses to create a culture where incidents and near misses are reported openly. Even if no damage or injury resulted, it is vital to know about these events to take action to reduce future risk. If there is an incident, operators should be trained how to check that their truck is undamaged and functional before attempting to return to work, and to know what the procedure is should they identify and faults or damage.
  8. Take a break! The supply chain is under huge pressure now, with many staff working long hours. However, sitting and operating a reach truck from the same position for extended periods can lead to musculoskeletal problems and injuries. Ensure that operators take regular breaks and are encouraged to stretch and move around wherever possible. Otherwise, eventually, musculoskeletal disorders can equate to many lost working days in the operation.
  9. Make safety guidelines available – Good, professional practice is key to preventing incidents in the workplace, so it is helpful for operators to have easy access to clear safety guidance whenever they need it. The RTITB Reach Truck Operator’s Safety Code is a convenient booklet and reference tool that enables reach truck operators to check in and refresh their skills and knowledge regularly and helps them make sound judgments in the common situations they encounter in the workplace. 

Contact us on 01793 975353 or for more information about how we can help or to book your course today.


Need more information?

For more information please do get in touch – via our contacts page, email us or just give us a call on 01793 975353

ABC – Any job – Better job – Career

ABC – Any job – Better job – Career

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ABC – Any job – better job – career

Are you out of work?  Are you working but aren’t happy with your current job?  Have you always wondered what driving a forklift might be like?  If any of these are true for you, then we can help.

At Key Performance Training, we firmly believe that a training course with us here will most certainly change your life.  How do we know this?  Because we see it every week when people leave us and start new jobs.  We’re not just a training company – we help people get onto a pathway to employment.

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There is a national shortage of forklift drivers, and there are lots of opportunities in the Southwest of England currently for forklift operators. Companies are willing to take on newly trained operators more than ever before, so your new skills can quickly enable you to take control of your future.

We believe in ABC – Any job – Better job – Career.

  • Any job for a new novice forklift truck driver is worth taking because it provides you with invaluable experience
  • Once you have some experience under your belt you can look for a better job because you know have a track record as a forklift driver
  • Once established in that better job you can start to build a career with further training and promotions

By investing in yourself, you can improve your self-worth which leads to a sense of achievement and personal growth. It doesn’t matter what stage of your life you are at, and it doesn’t really matter if your life’s ambition is to be a forklift truck driver or even to go on with further training to eventually become the trainer yourself, the fact is that training is truly the best way to improve your life.

Training gives you personal confidence and the satisfaction of knowing that not only have you got the qualification and the bit of paper that says you have done it, but you also have the knowledge that you applied yourself, made a decision and stuck with it until you obtained the end result.

It’s not so much where you end up, but every day taking all those little baby steps that add up to one giant leap for the improvement of your life.

Here at Key Performance Training, we can give you the new skills to make you a much more valuable proposition to any new potential employer, putting you in the driving seat, quite literally!

Contact us on 01793 975353 or for more information about how we can help or to book your course today.


Need more information?

For more information please do get in touch – via our contacts page, email us or just give us a call on 01793 975353

Our Upcoming Open Course Dates

Our Upcoming Open Course Dates

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Our Upcoming open course dates


We are delighted to advise you of some of our upcoming courses:



Course Name


Course DatesCourse Duration

Emergency First Aid

At Work (EFAW)


Thursday 28th September 2023

Friday 27th October 2023

Wednesday 29th November 2023*


*Last date in 2023


 1 day


Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)


Wednesday 27th September 2023

Thursday 26th October 2023

Thursday 30th November 2023*


*Last date in 2023


 1 day
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To see the full range of first aid courses we can offer, please see our website –


Contact us on 01793 975353 or for more information about how we can help or to book your course today.


Need more information?

For more information please do get in touch – via our contacts page, email us or just give us a call on 01793 975353

Want a great excuse to go online shopping?

Want a great excuse to go online shopping?

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want a great excuse to go online shopping?

We’re always looking at ways to support the charities that we work with, and so we’re delighted to share this fantastic way the UK Mental Health Foundation have created to raise funds whilst you shop online.

They have teamed up with “Give as you Live Online”.  When you shop at over 6,000 top stores including John Lewis & Partners, Expedia and Marks & Spencer via “Give as you Live Online”, they’ll turn a percentage of your spend into free funds for the UK Mental Health Foundation! 

Simply sign up ( , search for the retailer and start shopping. It’s that simple!

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Any donation you make will help them carry on their work protecting mental health. From research showing the mental health ill-effects of the cost-of-living crisis, to programmes that protect youth mental health they are committed to preventing mental health problems from developing or worsening.

So, if you needed a great excuse to go online and shop today, here it is.  It’s for a great cause and one that we at Key Performance Training, are proud to support and promote.

Want to learn more about how you can support people with Mental Health issues?  Check out our website for information on our Mental Health First Aid Courses –

Contact us on 01793 975353 or for more information about how we can help or to book your course today.


Need more information?

For more information please do get in touch – via our contacts page, email us or just give us a call on 01793 975353

FREE Guide To Compliant Lift Truck Training

FREE Guide To Compliant Lift Truck Training

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Key Performance Training are delighted to share with you our free guide to compliant lift truck training.  We’ve created this to help businesses navigate the many regulations in place that govern safe MHE operations and to help them be aware of their obligations.

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Effective lift truck operator training helps to develop safe and skilled operators, minimising the risk of incidents, and improving efficiency in your workplace. It can also help to reduce costs.


Download this handy FREE guide and share with your team, to help make sure that you’re delivering the most effective training to your operators and those you train.

We’ll explain the stage of training, explain the “Authorisation to Operate” and give you some tips and information about managing MHE operators safely.


Contact us on 01793 975353 or for more information about how we can help or to book your course today.


Need more information?

For more information please do get in touch – via our contacts page, email us or just give us a call on 01793 975353


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