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Celebrating our 7th year anniversary

We are delighted to share with you that on Wednesday 12th March, we celebrated the 7th year anniversary of our first course.

So much has changed since then.  We’ve moved premises three times, expanded each time into larger facilities, we’ve survived COVID and all the challenges that brought, we’ve extended our course range from just Counterbalance and Reach trucks, to over 50 courses now on offer, and have managed to help an increasing number of businesses improve site safety and meet their HSE obligations.

We’ve also managed to help a huge number of individuals improve their skills and find better employment opportunities.  This has been helped greatly by the partnership we have with New College, Swindon, which has helped us reach those out of work or on low incomes attain skills that make them in demand in our region.

Training Data from 2018 – 2025 YTD:

  • Delegates trained – 1,055
  • Businesses worked with – 150
  • Certificates issued – 1,535

The one thing that hasn’t changed, however, is our commitment to ensuring the highest standards of training are delivered to all our customers.  You can be certain that no matter what course you book with us, you’ll get the best quality training around.

If you’d like to see what some of our customers think, then please visit our website and see their thoughts. 

Each year brings new joy and we’re so thankful to have had the absolute privilege of working with everyone we’ve trained with over the last seven years.

We’re really looking forward to the future and will continue to stay true to our mission: to understand your needs and to support you, whoever you are, and whatever you need.

Contact us on 01793 975353 or for more information about how we can help or to book your course today.


Need more information?

For more information please do get in touch.

You can reach us via our contacts page, via email or just give us a call on 01793 975353


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