Fire Marshall Training

Fire Marshall Training

Did you know we offer Fire Marshal Training courses in partnership with Tactical Tuition? Many organisations neglect Fire Marshall Training in their workplace, school or group. Before anything else, we believe it is important to establish the need for completing this...

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Forklift Hazards- How to avoid them

Forklift Hazards- How to avoid them

Did you know that there are on average 35,000 serious injuries and 85 deaths each year as a result of poor safety whilst operating a Forklift Truck? This frightening statistic shows just how dangerous these 4,000kg machines are, especially when those operating do not...

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“What course should I do?”

“What course should I do?”

One of the most common questions we get asked is; ‘Which course would be best suited for me?’. This is a question our trainers LOVE to hear as it shows you are dedicated to getting the most out of a course. The more dedicated to learn you are, the better your chances...

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Why choose us as your Forklift Training Centre?

Why choose us as your Forklift Training Centre?

1. We help you to find work after completing a course. Are you looking to find a job, a better job or a career? Our aim is to provide delegates with a pathway to employment. By pathway, we don’t mean that we are providing the training and that’s all. We provide a...

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