Why Logistics and Supply Chain need more women

Why Logistics and Supply Chain need more womenPerception is changing but nationally women are still hugely under-represented within the logistics and supply chain sectors, a situation that some businesses and organisations are working hard to change. Women only...

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NVQ Now Available!

NVQ Now Available!

NVQ Now Available!We are delighted to announce a brand-new course is now available – NVQ Level 1 Introduction to Warehousing and Storage. Working in partnership with New College’s Adult Education Centre, we’re now able to offer you this wonderful opportunity to attain...

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Partnered with Payl8r

Partnered with Payl8r

We're now partnered with Payl8rHave you been stuck, wanting to train to get a better paid job, but have not been able to afford it? We are delighted to announce that we’ve partnered with Payl8r, pioneers of fair and responsible lending, in order to help you fund that...

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Upcoming Open Course Dates

Upcoming Open Course Dates

Upcoming Open Course DatesWe have now released our open course dates for the first few months of 2024, and we’re delighted to share these with you. These are ideal if you only have a small number of people who need training, or if you’re booking for just yourself....

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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas

Merry ChristmasMerry Christmas and a happy new year to all our customers, delegates, partners and suppliers.  Thank you for making 2023 a great year for everyone involved. Our last trading day is Friday 22nd December, and we re-open on Tuesday 4th January 2024. We...

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LPG Fuel Safety Alert

LPG Fuel Safety Alert

LPG Fuel Safety AlertIf you have LPG (Liquefied petroleum gas) powered forklift trucks in your operations, then you need to be aware that there is a currently ongoing safety concern with the fuel in the UK. The HSE are currently investigating the problems, which seem...

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Awards Update

Awards Update

Awards UpdateSo, it’s officially the end of awards season, and we were so proud to be finalists in 2 awards this year. We were finalists in the 2023 South West Business Masters Awards, in the category of “Community impact”.We were delighted to attend the awards dinner...

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More from the Jobs Fair

More from the Jobs Fair

More from the Jobs FairFollowing on from our attendance at the Swindon Jobs Fair at the County Ground earlier this month, our very own David Gearon speaks about the event.For more videos, testimonials, and images, please visit...

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Finance Now Available

Finance Now Available

Finance Now AvailableHave you been stuck, wanting to train to get a better paid job, but have not been able to afford it? We are delighted to announce that we’ve partnered with Payl8r, pioneers of fair and responsible lending, in order to help you fund that change of...

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